En este video se muestran unas de las tantas combinaciones en las que podemos usar los accesorios en "capas"; tambien conocido como "layered jewelry"; esto consiste en usar varias texturas, grosores, tamaños y colores contrastantes; inspirado en el Fashion Week Spring 2012.
This video shows some of the many combinations we can use the accessories in "layers", also known as "layered jewelry," that is to use different textures, thicknesses, sizes and contrasting colors, inspired by the Spring Fashion Week 2012.
This video shows some of the many combinations we can use the accessories in "layers", also known as "layered jewelry," that is to use different textures, thicknesses, sizes and contrasting colors, inspired by the Spring Fashion Week 2012.
Los accesorios utilizados son aquellos que nunca faltan y siempre han estado ahi pero nunca combinados de esta forma que le dan este toque glam que tu outfit necesita.
Accessories used are those that never fail and always have been there but never combined in this way that gives it a touch of glam to your outfit.
Besitos. Lou
oxox. Lou.
PS: To see more Related videos can visit the channel on youtube TheMrKate clicking right here
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