Mi nueva obsesión son las uñas con glitter o con escarcha como le decimos aqui en Venezuela. Hace unos dias estaba en Farmatodo comprando unas cosas y al pasar por el área de los cosmeticos decidi revivir mi infancia cuando solia pintar mis uñas con esos esmaltes de niña que son de glitter y se quitan con agua; asi que decidi comprar un esmalte con escarcha dorada que me parecio ideal para lo que tenia en mente.
Al llegar a casa me aplique una capa de brillo de color piel, luego como tres capitas del esmalte con glitter y por ultimo una capa de brillo transparente para no sentir la textura aspera del glitter.(puedes aplicar mas capas de glitter si deseas que se vean mas tupidas las uñas)
My new obsession is nail with glitter or frost . A few days ago was buying some things in a pharmacy and passing through the area of cosmetics decided to relive my childhood when I used to paint my nails with polish with glitter that removes with water, so I decided to buy a golden plish frost that seems ideal for what I had in mind.
When I got home I applied a layer of skin color brightness after about three layers of polish glitter and finally a layer of clear gloss in order to not to feel the rough texture of the glitter. (You can apply more layers of glitter if you want to be see more thick nails)
My new obsession is nail with glitter or frost . A few days ago was buying some things in a pharmacy and passing through the area of cosmetics decided to relive my childhood when I used to paint my nails with polish with glitter that removes with water, so I decided to buy a golden plish frost that seems ideal for what I had in mind.
When I got home I applied a layer of skin color brightness after about three layers of polish glitter and finally a layer of clear gloss in order to not to feel the rough texture of the glitter. (You can apply more layers of glitter if you want to be see more thick nails)
Este fue mi resultado:
This was my result:
Luego de haberme hecho esta manicure me puse a investigar las tendencias de esmaltes de uñas y me pude dar cuenta de que muchos diseñadores han incluido esta modalidad a su repertorio..Puedes ver mas aquí
Una opcion para quienes quieran probar su propio esmalte casero es mezclando un sobrecito de escarcha que venden en cualquier merceria o papeleria con un esmalte transparente o algun esmalte del color de la misma escarcha; quedaria genial y haria el mismo efecto.
En cuanto al color yo personalmente prefiero mantenerme en lo clasico con el glitter dorado o plateado
After having done this manicure I started researching the trends in nail polishes and I could tell that many designers have included this modality to their repertoire .. You can see more here
One option for those who want to try their own polish home, is to mix a packet of frost sold in any haberdashery or stationery with a clear nail polish color or some of the same color of the frost; would be great and would do the same effect.
As for color I personally prefer to stay in the classic with gold or silver glitter:
After having done this manicure I started researching the trends in nail polishes and I could tell that many designers have included this modality to their repertoire .. You can see more here
One option for those who want to try their own polish home, is to mix a packet of frost sold in any haberdashery or stationery with a clear nail polish color or some of the same color of the frost; would be great and would do the same effect.
As for color I personally prefer to stay in the classic with gold or silver glitter:
P. D: Es muy importante que sepas elegir el tipo de escarcha o glitter correcto! Opta por el tradicional que son las particulas circulares o cuadradas pequeñas. NUNCA utilices un glitter con formas de estrellas, cuadrados grandes o flores; pasaras de lo bonito a lo ordinario.
P. D: It is very important to know to choose the type of frost or glitter right! Opt for the traditional particles that are small circular or square. NEVER use a star-shaped glitter, large squares or flowers, do not cross the little line between the beauty and the ordinary.
Besos. Lou
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