Cuando de confeccion y corte se trata soy bastante principiante y aun estoy en proceso de aprendizaje; sin embargo, me gusta comprar telas y experimentar con accesorios pero nunca me habia propuesto hacer blusas, es por eso que aqui les muestro las primeras dos prendas hechas por mi que me atreveria a usar en público..Esto es lo que hago un sabado por la mañana:
When it comes to clothing and cuttingI am pretty beginner and I'm still in the learning process, but I like to buy fabrics and experiment with accessories, but I never set out to make blouses, here is why I show the first two garments made for me I dare to wear in public .. This is what I do on a Saturday morning:
When it comes to clothing and cuttingI am pretty beginner and I'm still in the learning process, but I like to buy fabrics and experiment with accessories, but I never set out to make blouses, here is why I show the first two garments made for me I dare to wear in public .. This is what I do on a Saturday morning:
Una de mis cestas donde guardo algunos retazos y cosas por terminar// Tela que utilizare.
One of my baskets where I keep some of the patches and things to finish / / Fabric I will use
Escogi estos dos estampados iguales pero en diferentes tonos
I chose these two prints the same but in different shades
Super sencilla, perfecta para combinar con unos jeans o con mi falda tubo nueva! Super simple, perfect to combine with jeans or my new pencil skirt! |
Esta es un poco mas ajustada y con el cuello mas redondo. This is a little tighter and rounder neck. |
Espero que les haya gustado y que se animen a realizar y usar sus propias creaciones.
I hope you have enjoyed and be encouraged to make and use your own creations.
I hope you have enjoyed and be encouraged to make and use your own creations.
Besos, Lou!
kisses, Lou.
kisses, Lou.
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