The braids continue their winning streak this season to see them prevail in many fashion shows and even in the celebrities! This style has been seen throughout history, has become one of the most popular today, due to the different types of braids that exist, many women have adopted this style. I'm not talking precisely of the kind of braids like the ones worn by actress Bo Derek in the movie "10" at the end of the 70 ...
Actualmente son las trenzas "francesas" las que han adquirido protagonismo en estas ultimas temporadas para usarlas tanto para el dia como para la noche..
Today are braids "French" which have acquired prominence in these last few seasons to use both for day to night ..
LA MAS COMUN.. agarrando todo el cabello hacia atras, se empieza a tejer a partir de la nuca hasta la punta del cabello; es el estilo mas convencional y sencillo que puede tener varias modificaciones dependiendo de la persona y de como se quiera usar.
The most common .. grabbing all the hair back, you begin to knit from the neck to the tip of the hair.
This is the conventional and simple style, which can have several modifications depending on the person and how you want to use.
This is the conventional and simple style, which can have several modifications depending on the person and how you want to use.
En el desfile de Lanvin consiguen un aspecto desenfadado aflojando un poco los mechones
In the Lanvin fashion show they get a casual look by slightly loosening the strands
Rachel McAdamas luciendo super glamourosa con todo el cabello hacia atras seguido de una trenza intencionalmente imperfecta creando un look espectacular!
Rachel McAdam looking super glamorous with all the hair into a braid back followed by imperfect intentionally creating a look spectacular!
TRENZA FRANCESA ORIGINAL, particularmente es mi tipo de trenza favorito; tiene muchas variaciones que pueden ser utilizadas a toda hora del dia; suelo usar mucho este tipo de trenza con mi melena suelta y solo trenzando de un solo lado el cabello mas cercano a la frente...
ORIGINAL French braid, this tipe of braid is my favorite, has many variations that can be used at any time of day, I use a lot of these braid my hair down and only one-sided braiding the hair closer to the front ...
ORIGINAL French braid, this tipe of braid is my favorite, has many variations that can be used at any time of day, I use a lot of these braid my hair down and only one-sided braiding the hair closer to the front ...
Tutorial how to make a french braid:
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