Lou Romero fashion blog

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Sheinside Delivery

Hace un mes tuve el gusto de ganar uno de los sorteos realizados por la blogger Juls de University Lifestyle.¡Primera vez que gano en este tipo de sorteos!

A month ago I had the pleasure of winning one of the contests conducted by the blogger Juls of University Lifestyle .First time I've won in such contests!
El premio fue un cupo de $50 para la tienda Online Sheinside. Como no me convencio mucho la ropa decidi irme por lo seguro y elegir joyeria.
Elegi 4 piezas de las cuales dos de ellas son mis favoritas; el collar en forma de hoja y el brazalete de tachuelas me enamoraron al instante.
 The prize was a $ 50 voucher for Sheinside Online Store. As I was not convinced of the clothes I decided to go for it safe and choose jewelry.
I chose four pieces of which two of them are my favorites, the leaf-shaped necklace and studded bracelet I instantly fell in love.

3 comentarios:

  1. cool blog, super cute bracelet!!!

    please visit my blog... and follow if you can, assoon as I reach 100 followers on the blog and the facebook page, Ill be doing a cool giveaway. ;D check it out.


    facebook: www.facebook.com/fashionandstilettos

  2. The studs bracelet is gorgeous I would have chosen that too! :) I am hosting a big, big giveaway, wanna join? :) http://themefashion.blogspot.co.at/2012/11/giveaway-25-winners.html

  3. Me encanto la pulsera.
    Que te parece si nos seguimos?


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