I know that like me, many have the good fortune to have curly hair, which though at first sight seem difficult to control, sometimes it is much more manageable than a straight hair (no offense). I'll be publishing a series of posts dedicated to the typical problems and issues that we suffered as well as some tips to solve these problems. First of all I would like to note that having curly hair, with the unconditional help of an iron is the best of both worlds.
"Cuando llueve y tu cabello es como el corazon del Grinch, crece tres
veces más ese dia"
A pesar de que no tengo la cura infalible
contra el frizz les puedo dar algunos tips:
Primero que todo hay que
tener en cuenta que el cabello rizado tiende a resecarse mucho mas rapido
es por esto que en esos dias lluviosos es cuando mas hay que mantenerlo
Segundo; hay que tratar de usar lo menos posible el secador ya que este al quitarle la humedad a el cabello lo reseca mucho mas rapido. lo mejor es secar el cabello con una toalla, aplicar un producto hidratante y dejar que se seque naturalmente.
Por último, usar el champú y acondicionador ACORDE a tu tipo de cabello, si lo tienes graso usa uno para cabello graso. Es importante hacer incapié en este punto ya que en el caso de las personas con cabello rizado necesitan un champú muy suave que no le quite la grasa natural al cabello por completo y asi evitar la resequedad y el tan no deseado Frizz.
Although I have not infallible cure against frizz I can give you some tips:
First of all we should keep in mind that curly hair tends to dry much faster which is why in those days when rain is more need to keep hydrated.
Second , we must try to use the dryer as little as possible because this to remove moisture to the hair, it dries much faster. it is best to dry the hair with a towel, apply a moisturizer and let it dry naturally.
Finally , use the shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type, if you have a greasy used for oily hair. It is important to emphasize this point because in the case of people with curly hair need a very mild shampoo that does not remove the natural oils to the hair completely, and thus prevent dryness and so unwanted frizz.
Si les gusto y quieren mas, ¡no duden en comentar! pronto les traigo la proxima parte.
If you liked and want more, feel free to comment! soon I bring you the next part.
this is hilarious. I got caught in the rain on Friday here in Chicago so I can totally relate :) just found you!
ResponderEliminarlol :D Es verdad!!!
ResponderEliminar¿Y qué piensas cuando la gente te mira y se pregunta porque tienes el cabello desordenado y tu dices que te he despertado con el pelo así y... ellos no entienden? jajaja XD
Have a great day!!!!